
Posts Tagged ‘interior designers’

Famous American architect, interior designer, writer and educator Frank Lloyd Wright was born on June 8, 1867.

Opening History aggregation includes the Frank Lloyd Wright – Wasmuth Portfolio digital collection. The Wasmuth portfolio (Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright) was a two-volume folio of 100 lithographs of the Wright’s work, published in Germany in 1910 by the Berlin publisher Ernst Wasmuth, with an accompanying monograph by Wright. It contained plans and perspectives of buildings designed between 1893-1909. It was the first publication of any of Wright’s work to appear anywhere in the world. The portfolio became a significant link between Wright’s pioneering American architecture, and the first generation of modernist architects in Europe.

Another digital collection in Opening History aggregation, Darwin D. Martin Photograph Collection includes photographs of homes designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for the Martins. The photograph below, courtesy of State University of New York at Buffalo, Darwin D. Martin Collection, pictures William E. Martin’s house, Oak Park, Illinois, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

William E. Martin's house, Oak Park, Illinois, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright

William E. Martin's house, Oak Park, Illinois, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright

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